Monday, April 8, 2013

The Secret Letter Is finally in!!

                                          The Secret Letter
                                                 Chapter 1
10-Year Old Jeana and her friend, Nicole were walking home from getting a drink a Starbucks, on a hot, summer day in
 Kleinburg, Ontario, when Jeana said, "Hey Nicole, can we go to the river to wade a bit?  It's so hot outside, and I would love
 to cool myself off for a few minutes." "I don't know Jeana, Nicole said, your mother said we have to be home after we had a
 drink, remember?" "Oh right, I forgot." Jeana replied. When they got home Jeana ran to the couch and laid down on it pretending to be asleep. "Jeana, could we play pollies?" Nicole asked. "Jeana dragged herself to her feet and said," Okay." They both went to her room and Jeana took out her hundreds of pollies. An half and hour later Jeana thought she saw some car lights. "Nicole, she said, I think your mom is here." They both ran downstairs to see if Nicole's mom was there, and sure enough she was there. "Aw man! I wish I didn't have to go, Jeana. It was really fun though. Thanks!" "I'm glad you could come over! Come back soon!" Jeana replied. Nicole shut the door behind them and there was a space of silence. Suddenly, the fire alarm went off and her mother started running upstairs to grab Jeana's baby brother. "Jeana! I want you to get out of the house and get outside! Now!" Her mother called.
Jeana was just about to run out the front door when she remembered her very special birthday present from her Great- Grandma that she had gotten a month before her Great- Grandma had died. She started upstairs, but a voice stopped her. It said: "Don't go upstairs! You have to get out of the house now!!  The present isn't important! Get out!" Jeana knew she HAD to get out now. She started running out the front door but a beam fell in her way. She thought she heard her mother screaming her name outside, she thought she heard sirens wailing. She ran upstairs and out her bedroom window and fell in a long way down, or so it felt like it. When Jeana woke up she felt dizzy, it felt as though her head was a 40 pound head. Her vision was blurry and all she could hear was faint noises. That was then she realized she was in the arms of a firefighter. The fire was out and everyone was crowding around her to see if she was okay. Nicole and her mother were there too. Jeana felt dizzy and fell asleep.
When Jeana woke up, her vision was a bit better and it wasn't as blurry. "What is going on?" She thought. Then she realized she was in a van. "A van? Where are my mother and brother?" She wondered. Then she saw them lying beside her. They didn't look to good either. Then she realized she was in an ambulance. When they got to the hospital they rushed Jeana, her mother, and their baby brother, Thomas, in the emergency room. Thomas wasn't breathing and Jeana's mother had gotten severe burns and carbon monoxide inhaling. Jeana had severe burns, carbon monoxide inhaling and she had scraped her head and it was swelling up like a balloon. That was why her head felt like a 40 pounder. While she was thinking of those things, she was being pushed and prodded by needles. A bunch of nurses and doctors were crowded around the three patients, especially Thomas. When Jeana woke up she could see clearly and was in a bed with her mother and Thomas beside her. Thomas was breathing fine now and he was sleeping. Jeana lifted up her body, and looked in a mirror. "I look like mega mind!" She thought. Her mother's burns were all wrapped up in bandages and Jeana was getting used to her surroundings, and she started to think some more when there was a quiet knock and Jeana said, "Come in!" "Hi Jeana. How are you feeling?" Nicole said. "Nicole! It's so good to see you! I'm not feeling very good, but thanks for asking." Jeana replied. "I shouldn't keep you then, Nicole said, a nurse is here to check on you any way." "Bye Nicole." Jeana said groggily. Then Jeana's mother opened her eyes and smiled at Jeana. Just then, the nurse came in and said, "Mrs. McBride, I am glad you are awake. I have some news to tell you." "What is it?" Jeana's mother asked groggily. "Well, your son had stopped breathing and we did our best to keep him alive but I'm afraid we were too late." "Oh! Oh No!!" Jeana's mother started crying and crying. "How could he die?" She asked "Well, he had a lot of carbon monoxide in his lungs, enough to kill him. I'm so sorry Ma'am. The nurse said quietly. "Could you go for a few minutes?" Jeana's mother asked. "Sure Ma'am." The nurse replied. Jeana and her mother started moving as much as they could towards Thomas's bed. "Mother, when I woke up Thomas was breathing!"
"Really? Her mother asked. They moved over to Thomas and felt his stomach. It was moving!! Jeana and her mother started hugging him and he woke up and started crying. The nurse rushed in and said, "I don't believe it! He wasn't breathing just 15 minutes ago!" The nurse was astonished. Then she fed the baby and Thomas fell asleep. Jeana knew that God had made Thomas breathing again. "It's a miracle."  Jeana thought with a smile.
The next day Jeana her mother and Thomas were starting to get better. The hospital was a nice place, but Jeana still wanted to get out of it. Nicole and her mother visited them; they gave them meals and some money to rent an apartment. When Jeana's mother whose name was Christi opened the package Nicole's mother gave to her she said, "Oh my goodness!! This is amazing! Thank you so much Deanna. Oh, and thank Nicole and Richard too." Nicole's parents were Deanna and Richard. A week after the fire, Jeana, Thomas and her mother could go home, but, Thomas had to breathe into a tube for a while. Jeana's mother rented an apartment with some of the money Nicole's family gave to them. The rest of the money they used it for groceries. A few weeks after the fire, Jeana was all healed, but her mother and Thomas were still recovering. Jeana called her aunt, and asked her if she could drive her to the burned house. Jeana's mother said it was okay, as long as they didn't stay too long because Jeana's mother needed help with supper. When Jeana got to the house with her Aunt Lacy, she said, "Aunt Lacy, could I explore for a bit?" "Sure dear, I'll just be over here." Jeana ran along admiring her pretty new dress her aunt had given her, but also a wave of sadness was flooding her mind. "Why did Jesus let this happen to us?" She thought. She started walking carefully beside the beams, and then something caught her eye. "What's that?" She wondered. She bent down and picked it up it said:

"My Dearest Jeana,
I know you are probably thinking right now, "How can Great-Grandma
write this letter?" Well, I have a person to write all the letters for me.
I pay her well. I am very weak and frail, but I would like you to know that I
love you very much, and want what's best for you. So by giving what's best
for you, please accept this money that I would like to give you. It is the
envelope, please accept it. And do not be foolish to put it to the wrong use.
I love you very much,

Jeana's eyes filled with tears, but she did not let them fall, she opened the envelope and saw two fifty- dollar bills. "One-hundred dollars! That's incredible!" Jeana thought.

                                    Chapter 2

Jeana was stunned, but amazed at the same time.  Her mother would be so happy! Now they could buy things without getting bank loans!  Jeana was running back to where her Aunt was but her Aunt was not there.
“Aunt Lacy?” Jeana was feeling afraid. “A-aunt L-lacy are you there?” Jeana stuttered.
All of the sudden something covered her mouth and everything in the world went black.

Jeana woke up, she felt her pocket of her dress, the letter was not there, she checked in the other pocket, the letter was not there either.
“Where am I? What happened? Where is Aunt Lacy?”  Jeana kept asking herself those questions over and over again.
Then she heard a voice; “Hey Joe, where is the money that was found in the envelope in the girl’s pocket?” a man asked.  “Right here, Bill. Haha! she’ll never know!”

The two men laughed and laughed at their own greediness.
Jeana had a headache, she looked at her surroundings; pots, pans, bottles, and “Ah!” a gun.
Jeana had an idea of what these men were, but she wasn’t quite sure.
She thought they were bootleggers then she said out loud, “They have to be! Everything matches what bootleggers are!”

She started a plan, she decided in order to get out, and she would have to find some rope.  Not too long after that she found some rope, she tied the rope around  a two bottles, then she found a huge spring like the springs in pens, just much larger, and she attached that on.
Then she created a diversion of clashing pots and pans together.
The men came in the room and were about to grab the gun, when she shot the bottles and it hit them in the head. She grabbed the rope the rope that was dangling from the door and pulled. It opened she started running down the road, as fast as she could until she remembered something.
                                         “The Letter!”
                                             Chapter 3

Jeana ran back to where the truck was, she ran inside grabbed the letter and ran back outside. She didn’t recognize the area, but she just HAD to run away from the truck and kidnappers.
The whole way she was praying like crazy, “God, please keep me safe and help me to find my way home again.” She ran on and on. Then it was getting dark, she found a tree that was all the way down to the ground, so she crawled underneath it. She started crying and singing praises of God through her tears. Finally, she fell asleep.
Jeana woke up the next morning and started running home again.

She started slowing down to open up the letter in her pocket. It still had the money in it.
“Whew!! What a relief!” Jeana said out loud. “There, there she is!!” She heard someone say behind her.
She looked behind her and saw the exact same men who took her in their truck.
“Oh no!!” Jeana started running as fast as she could.      
Jeana was starting to get tired; the men were catching up to her. She kept on running. Then she came to a place and started banging on the door and praying. Then a woman opened the door and shut it again and said as Jeana walked in, “Good Heavens child! What is the matter?” Jeana spilled out the whole story, and then asked, “What is this area?” The woman replied, “This is Woodbridge, dear.” “Woodbridge! This is very near to my house! Wait, this is where my house is!” Jeana thought.
Then she said to the woman, “Thank you very much for your hospitality, but I must be on my way again to find my home. Do you know if there is an apartment building near here?” She asked. “Yes, about 5 minutes north from here.” “Thank you so much!” Then Jeana was on her way to the apartment building. She stopped running because she was tired, hungry, and sad. Then she came to the apartment building. Her eyes lit up. She ran inside and ran to her apartment room. She knocked. No answer. She knocked again. No answer. “I wonder what the matter is!” Jeana thought. Her mother had given her an emergency key. She opened the door. “Oh No!” Jeana screamed as she ran over to her mother.
Her mother was on the floor unconscious. She looked in the crib. Thomas was gone!!! She saw footprints. They were the same as the men who kidnapped her!
                                             Chapter 4

Thomas was gone, her mother was unconscious, and Aunt Lacy was unconscious. “Wait, Aunt Lacy?” Jeana ran over to her and shook her. She felt her pulse. “She’s still alive! What a relief!” Then Jeana ran over to the phone and dialled 911. Then she told them where she was and told them what condition they were in, and then she hung up.
She needed to find Thomas! First, she waited for the ambulance to come and pick up Mother and Aunt Lacy. Then, she followed the footprints. They led out the window! She saw a little blood trail leading down the wall. she followed it outside, and it led to the same van where she had been kidnapped. She quietly opened the door. She heard voices talking, quiet, rough voices.
They were the same as the people who kidnapped her!
Then she opened the letter.
On the back it had a secret code that she had made up with her Great-Grandma that only she and her knew.
“Let’s see, Jeana said, T-h- e- o- n- l- y- w- a- y - y- o -u- a- r- e- a-b-l-e  
   -t-o- g-e-t  t-h-e-m t-o- f-o-l-l-o-w  y- o- u- t- o- t- h- e- F-B-I-  i- s- I - f -y-o-u- g-i-v-e- t-h-e-m -f-o-o-d.
“Give them food?” Jeana asked in surprise. “If it’s food they want, then food they will get.” Jeana quickly ran to Tim Horton’s, and bought some donuts.
Then she dressed herself up as a delivery girl, selling donuts for money.
Jeana tiptoed in the van and knocked on the door.
“Who is it?” a man with a rough voice asked “Open up and see!” Jeana said in a British voice. The man opened the door and Jeana knocked him in the face with the box of donuts. Then she quickly ran inside grabbed Thomas and a donut. Then she dashed out of the van and ran to the hospital.  They checked Thomas for cuts and damage. He had no cuts or damage. “He must’ve gotten cut! The cut must’ve been from the knife that he cut mother with!”
Thinking of mother, Jeana ran into the room where her mother was. Her mother was conscious, but sleeping.
Jeana tiptoed to the bedside, and kissed her mother on her forehead, and said, “I love you mother. I love you so much, and I thank God for you.” She broke up in tears. Then she looked up saw a gun pointing right at her!

                                             Chapter 5
Jeana gasped. That was Joe! The man she had hit him with a donut box.
He probably was back here with revenge.
“How did you find me?” Jeana demanded. “He he, you are so easy to track down as a butterfly. I could track you because of the donut crumbs.”
Jeana slapped her forehead she was so stupid to eat it slowly! It was good though.
“I hoped you liked the donuts. I bought them.” Jeana replied roughly.
She quietly tied a rope to the end of the hospital bed and one to the end of his leg while he wasn’t looking. Then she said, “Look there’s a dog!”
He was allergic to dogs, so he screamed and was about to run away when he tripped on the rope she tied on his leg, and he fell on the ground with a ‘thud!’ She quickly tied his hands around his back and said, “Nice try, Joe.”
Then she called the police, and they arrested him. Then her mother woke up, Aunt Lacy, and Thomas! They talked and talked  and asked Jeana a lot of questions about what happened. She answered everyone of them with laughter, especially the donut part.
Then they all stopped laughing and Mother asked, “Jeana, I want to give you a hug for doing so well. You were so brave.”

“Thank you, Mother. I would have never gotten any of this done if it weren’t for the Lord who gave me the strength to do it.”
They all went home that day and celebrated.
Also, they had a lot to be thankful for, and something else to say.
“Everyone, Mother said, I would like to give you some extra work for the table. We are going to adopt a girl! Also, I would like to say ‘Happy Birthday’ to Jeana. She is turning 11 today!”
“Oh mother! Jeana gasped, Thank you so much! I am so excited to see the girl! How old is she?” “She is going to be 9, Jeana. I want you to share a room with her.” “Oh mother! Of course I will! And I will tell her the good news of Jesus too!” Oh Mother, Aunt Lacy, Thomas! This is the best day EVER!”

     “I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made,        
                               wonderful are thy works.”
                                       Psalm 139:14

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