Saturday, April 20, 2013

The wise, old, gorilla and the mischievous monkey.

Once, there lived a mischievous monkey, and a wise old gorilla.
The monkey was always getting into trouble and the wise old gorilla was always giving him advice. One day, the gorilla said to the monkey, "Monkey, you had better listen to me, there is a flood supposed to be happening, and I would advise you to stay up in a high, strong tree." "Oh, don't worry about me gorilla, I'll be fine." The monkey said reluctantly. The gorilla wanted to prove him right this time, so he just left it alone and went to sleep in his high, strong, tree.
That night, the monkey was playing on the ground when he heard water rushing. "Ahhh!!" the monkey chattered as he was swept away in the waves.
The gorilla hear this, and he lowered a rope in the water and pulled monkey up.
The monkey shivering, had a nice, warm, bath and some tea and said, "Gorilla, I'm sorry. I should have listened to you. Can you forgive me?" He said. "Well, now, the gorilla said. I forgive you, and you can stay with me for the night. And I hope you've learned you're lesson." "Yes, you bet I have, you bet I have." The monkey replied.                                  Then they both laughed.

                                           The End.        


  1. This story really helped me with my homework,I am pretty sure my classmates will come to this site.THANKS CANA STORIES
