Friday, April 12, 2013

Wedding Bells Ch. 1 Message me if you want a copy of the first book. But enjoy this one!!

Series book: 2
                                         “Wedding Bells”
                                               Chapter 1

Alison was getting ready for her wedding. She was getting married to Bobby Hudson! She quickly ran to her closet and pulled out her dream wedding dress that she had wanted for so long and finally she had gotten it when it was on sale. She called for her mother to help her get ready. “Mother! Mother!” She called. Her mother came in the room where she was getting ready. “Dear, no need to rush. Come, let’s put on the dress and get your hair done.” They slipped on the dress. “It’s a perfect fit!” Alison cried, so happy.  Then they went to Alison’s sister, Jessica to get her hair done. “Oh, Alison! I’m so happy for you both. I am so thankful to you for picking me to be your hairdresser and maid of honor. I’m so excited and happy, and just wanted you to let you know that I love you and thank God for you.” “Thank you so much Jess. You know that I think you are great at hair and a great sister. Besides, you are the best sister ever! Who wouldn’t want to have a sister like you?” They both laughed. It was going to be a small wedding, so only one maid of honor and one bride’s maid, which was their cousin. Jessica did Alison’s hair very prettily. First, she curled it. Second, she put it up with some bobby pins and let some curls hang down at the back and front. Third, she sprayed some hair spray on her curls. Lastly, she stuck a white flower at the back where she had pinned it up. Alison then got out her little heels and slipped them on. She looked beautiful. Then Alison sat in a chair and watched as Jessica did her cousin’s hair. Then she laughed when by accident Jessica dropped the hair bucket in the garbage. Her cousin put on her own dress. It was light pink with little roses at the neckline. It was Alison’s favourite bridesmaid dress since she turned fifteen. Jessica wore the same dress too, with little pink heels. They both looked so pretty. “Oh, Alison! You look so pretty!” Jessica and their cousin, Elizabeth cried, as Alison walked out of the dressing room, where she had just finished putting on her veil. She also had stuck some little flowers on the side of her veil. She had gotten her bouquet too; they were red and white roses with some baby’s breath. With all of that, she looked like a princess. It was May 5th 2006 and Alison LarBluke was going to get married to the man of her dreams.

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