Saturday, March 30, 2013

Clara and the missing locket

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                                    Chapter 1

Clara gasped as she opened her birthday present. It was a locket!

It was what she had always wanted!    She screamed in joy. “Thank you so much Mom!! I love it!”
 She went to bed that night feeling so happy with her locket around her neck.  The next morning  she woke up and stretched. “It’s such a beautiful day today.” She felt around her neck and was startled. “My locket is gone!”
She ran downstairs and said to her mom, ”Mom! Mom!! My locket is gone!!
“Whoa, Whoa, wait a minute calm down tell me what happened first.”
Clara replied with tears, “Well, I woke up this morning and I felt around my neck and the locket was gone!” Her mom replied “ First let’s go check and see if it maybe fell of your neck in the bed.”   They searched for 5 minutes 10 minutes an hour! They couldn’t find it. Then Clara was searching around her nightable and she found a note it said, “If you really want to have you locket then come to River Heights school woods.
She showed her mom the note her mom said “Well, I don’t think we should go there it’s very dangerous.”
Clara replied, “ But I need to find my locket!!”
                                       Chapter 2

The next day Clara asked her mom if she could go again, her mom finally said she could as long as she went with her brother. So when she went it was very foggy so it was hard to see. Her brother said that he would go first she waited and waited and her brother didn’t come back. So she went herself and she took a deep breath and started walking. It was so creepy she had never been in the woods before without anyone. It was dark and cold. She was scared. She thought “Maybe I should go home. But then she remembered that she needed to find her brother. Then she heard a faint call. “Clara! Clara! Help!” It was her brother!

                               Chapter 3

Clara started running towards the call as she grew closer the call got louder.
Finally, she saw her brother with a man with a mask on.
She gasped and hid behind a tree then she sneaked up behind the man and kicked him. She yelled to her brother “Let’s go!!!!!” RUN! She quickly before she left grabbed the locket from the man which she had seen in his hand and ran away with her brother he started after them but they were too close so he caught up with them easily. When they were about to cross the road the man caught up with them and tried to grab them. It was too late Clara and her brother had already crossed the road and ran into their backyard they knocked on the door of their house, but their mom wasn’t home. Then they saw the man coming they quickly hid behind the wood pile and waited but he saw them and stood at the wood pile coming toward them.  They were TRAPPED!!!!
                                         Chapter 4

                Clara didn’t know what to do then she remembered
               “The water guns”! so she quickly without wasting time stood up and said to the man “I am going to go get a drink from hose in the backyard”,  the man replied hastily “Hurry up and come RIGHT BACK!!!”
She ran to the backyard and got the water guns she loaded them both up and ran toward the man on the front porch.
She sneaked up behind him and heard him say to her brother “If you don’t tell me where the locket is I will shoot you!”
She quickly like lightning said “Hey!” And squirted water at him. He couldn’t see for 1 minute but in the 1 minute their mom came home and got her cell phone out and called 911. And he was put in Jail for 6 years.
And they lived happily ever after, ( Well, Until the next adventure comes )
                                      The End

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